Parents Talk Climate in Halifax

Despite (and maybe because of) a scary last few weeks of wildfires in Nova Scotia, 15 parents and grandparents got together in Halifax to share their concerns, hopes and climate action ideas at Parents Talk Climate.

This was our first offering of Parents Talk Climate, a new program the network support team is piloting to bring parents together in communities to talk climate and think about action. We've learned a lot and got overwhelming feedback that the session was encouraging and energizing. We hope to run the session in a different location, then design a new community building tool for the network based on participant feedback.  

Huge thanks to all the participants who brought their energy and passion to the discussions, to our stellar facilitators and to our local partners at Ecology Action Centre


What's next? Important connections were made in Halifax, creative ideas brainstormed, and plans are beginning to form for a second parent meet up. We'll keep you posted!

Here are some of the great ideas and key insights shared: 

  • talking with other parents about climate change breaks feelings of isolation
  • it's important to not let adult worries get in the way of kid optimism
  • parents are powerful; we have many opportunities to connect and engage other families i.e. kids activities, schoolyard, etc.
  • parents can help build a powerful base for climate action
  • we need to be thoughtful and intentional about making sure climate organizing spaces don't remain white-centred spaces
  • parents voices are powerful and have important role in holding governments and corporations to account
  • parents want to involve their kids in climate action & support kids' ideas and initiatives
  • parents want to find ways to participate that are energy-giving and joyful
  • we gain so much motivation from sharing our successes and stories of hope

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